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Jun 20, 2006, 09:47 AM
CrimiClown is offline
Okay, I just wrote a piece on the RuneScape forums. Here it is:

-=[ Prologue ]=-

It didn't take long for Hans and Sarah Rond to decide. Varrock would be the perfect place to settle. No noise, no bypassing travelers... It was perfect. Sarah was having her baby soon, so they decided to build a house as soon as possible.

Back in 1710, Varrock was nothing more than a church and three farms. The General store was still under construction and only a few couples and younger people decided to build their house somewhere near the church.

"Hans!" Sarah moaned, "I think I'm going to deliver the baby..."
Hans ran inside, covered in sweat and dirt, holding his rake.
"I'll call a doctor... Or maybe the priest... I don't know... Our neighbours also have three children, they might be able to help too..."
Hans ran outside, paniced as he was, in search for someone with knowledge about pregnancy. Eventually, he called the neighbours. The mother of three told Sarah exactly how she should deliver with a few, simple instructions.

"I think I see a head there..." she said.

The next morning, the Rond family started their day bright and early. Well, at least early...

"Hans, will you bring little Zogoran, please? He's obviously hungry."
Hans got out of bed, mumbling a few nasty words and brought Zogoran to Sarah.
"There you go, little boy. I figured you could use a drink."
Hans looked up as he heard the rooster. It was morning already. That very moment, a gentleman dressed in white robes marched in.

"Say, you must be Hans and Sarah Rond, right?" he asked. Hans nodded.
"Great, I am the local doctor. Well, local, I had to come from Edgeville, but okay... I'm thinking of starting an apothecary here some day..."
Hans coughed loudly, mumbling "Yes, doctor?".
"Oh, forgive me, I'll get to the point. You see, I heard that you had a child yesterday. Mind if I examine it?"
Hans nodded gently. "Sure, go ahead. What are you examining anyway, doctor?"

..."to be continued..."