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JCF Éminence Grise

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Jul 12, 2007, 10:15 AM
Radium is offline
Yeah, I was waiting for someone to bring up the key or the glass. It's hard to narrate when you completely ignore things that just happened.
And Tork, I'm assuming you meant "whose", because otherwise you'd have to be referring to the rock as a person.

Originally Posted by White Rabbit View Post
Should we have him do the same thing to the small rock outside the dome? We wouldn't be able to get back inside if he eats it.
It's pretty easy to tell a fake rock if you pick it up, since they're usually notably light - especially considering the one Fooruman broke was made of wood. If you had picked up the rocks on the table, you would've found the key.

"Talk about good taste," I said, taking the key, wiping it off on my pant leg, and placing it in my pocket. I took a sip from the champagne glass. It tasted suspiciously like lemon Gatorade and seltzer, but even having something to drink in the first place was rather nice. "Whose destiny?" I asked Fooruman.
"That of the past, present and future, professor."
"Ah. That helps." It occurred to me that the trolley might be a good place to get a bolt to fix the valve. I took out my crowbar and tried prying one of the bolts off, but it simply snapped like the last one. If I wanted to get a bolt to fix the valve, my best bet would be to find one that was already loose.