Thread: XBox buys Jazz
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Batty Buddy

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Sep 14, 2002, 07:13 PM
Batty Buddy is offline
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Que Passa!!!!

I'll just say this about X-Box, so far- I like some of the things they are reviving on it: Toejam and Earl, Oddworld, and now possably Jazz.

All they need to do now is make a 3D Aero the Acrobat game excusively for X-Box, and I might just buy it.

... Oh, and if they do, maybe they can throw in the sequal to the game "Sleepwalker". I loved that dog.

"Ding a ding dang my dang a long ling long."
-The ultimate cheat code for Sleepwalker

"I must be the personification of the rage to live,
hit me, dunk me, insult me, I'll still hang in there...

...I wonder why..."
-Howard the Duck
Proud to be the 100th, 600th, 666th, and 1000th poster in the "Slime the Poster above you" thread...
Even though I had to cheat... Thank you, The Cheat.
(RIP William Hanna)
"I claim Page 4 in the name of my sexy female self."