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Dec 16, 2008, 03:58 PM
EvilMike is offline
I actually agree that it would be nice to have the plus settings window actually do something, though I will say that I'm fine with having to type commands. One thing I would like to see though is a help menu which gives you a complete list of commands, similar to the list in the readme but without the descriptions. This would help for people like me who always forget certain commands.

It would also be nice to see tab completion added. For example, typing /alw followed by tab would automatically type out /alwaysupdatepos. If you typed something like /w and then tab, it would give you the first command that starts with w. Press tab again and it will give you the next command, and so on.

Tab completion is extremely useful for command line programs, and I'm not kidding when I say it's a feature found in virtually every command line that's worth using. If you want to see an example of it, just load up cmd.exe, or if you're using a mac or linux, run bash.

I don't know how easy this would be to implement in jj2+, but it would definitely save a lot of time. I'd much rather type "/tr [TAB] 1 on" rather than "/trigger 1 on".
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