Thread: JCS Awards 2017
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Jan 13, 2018, 02:27 PM
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These votes are mostly based on my experiences in JDC events... #1 was an easy choice, it's a level that's always fun to play and I hope we see more levels like it in the future. I've always liked Orbital Barrage, so that was an easy choice as well. #3 was a bit more difficult, but I really love Riddlehamhope Hall's atmosphere and general feel so I felt it deserved the last spot on the list the most.
1. Hyperviolence!
2. Orbital Barrage
3. Riddlehamhope Hall

I haven't really played any of the nominees and I'm not a huge fan of the game mode in general so I'm skipping this one.

Best Other MP Level
To be honest none of these really did much for me. I find it hard to rank them, so I'm skipping this category as well.

Single Player
It's hard to compare single levels with packs or episodes. My #1 here may be a bit out of left-field but playing Down the Rabbithole made me revisit some long-held opinions I had about JJ2 single player, and that makes it #1 for me. #2 is even better in some aspects and a great level overall. #3 was a difficult choice, but ultimately ended up being the level from HH17 I liked most after Snowball Valley.
1. Down the Rabbithole
2. Snowball Valley
3. Hoarfrost Hollow

Level script
This one is difficult... the scripts do very different things, and in some cases I can recognize the skill & quality involved while simultaneously not liking what the script actually does from a gameplay POV. I've decided to mostly look at how much more fun the script makes the game for me, since that's what matters in the end. I guess that explains my preference for scripted weapons here.
1. Skyward showdown
3. Snowball Valley

Difficult category for much the same reason as the previous one. My #1 choice, race.mut may not be flashy but it's just so useful and I'd like to see some sort of recognition for mutators like that. At the same time, weapon mutators look super cool and add some spice to any game in which they are enabled, so I've gone for my favourite one so far as #2. SE's Class Selector doesn't really do a lot more than simply bring the idea of load-outs to JJ2 but that's enjoyable enough that it deserves some recognition too.
1. race.mut
2. Arcane Weapons
3. Class Selector / Jazz Team Fortress

Custom weapon
I must admit that I haven't played all of these, but there's not enough time left to properly test them, so I'm gonna rate the ones I have played with. It gets pretty arbitrary after #3 so I've chosen not to use my remaining two votes here.
1. Redeemer
2. Roller
3. Zeus Artillery

Best JCSer
PurpleJazz is my #1 here because he combines quality with quantity; lots of output and most of it is impressive and enjoyable to play. I love Smoke's tileset conversions and the levels he uses them for aren't half bad either, so I'm giving him my #2 vote. And while I'm personally not a big fan of FireSworD's levels there's something to like in all of them, and they're very well-polished in general (to a fault, maybe), so I think he deserves a spot in my top 3 as well.
1. PurpleJazz
2. Smoke
3. FireSworD

Most improved
Hard to say, since much of last year's output came from the veterans. As said, I really enjoyed Smoke's levels and tilesets, so he's #1 here. I was also impressed by Jelly Jam's levels, so putting him at #2 feels like a no-brainer. As for #3, I really wouldn't know, so I'm leaving that open.
1. Smoke
2. Jelly Jam

Last edited by Stijn; Jan 13, 2018 at 03:00 PM.