Thread: Clans
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Oct 9, 2010, 10:05 AM
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-why are they useful? To keep the comminuty running and active (well, mostly)
-what do you like about them? They keep competition going.
-what do they give you? Whining (no offense), experience, new friends. And some tag.
-in what would you like to be(or in what are you)? CDF - Where luck with recruiting happens.
-Do you like being clanless? Um...I'm not clanless, but if I was still then now, I still would. (Yeah, sorry my clan but I honestly don't really care as much one really wants to play with me in ladders that much anyway. I just joined because I wondered what a clan was like. But I simply stay because of someone and apparently I'm "something" to others.).

Originally Posted by spaceboy View Post
Y - Mostly a bunch of childish players who got no respect to the oldies (also see: RL, CDF).
Did you get the idea of adding CDF there because of me? =P I don't really know anymore members in our clan who act "childish" anymore, those ones have pretty much left us thank goodness.

Originally Posted by Ron97 View Post
I do have respect for you old players,but that doesn't mean I should bow to the ground to any player playing longer than I do
What he said. I think everyone deserves to pretty much be treated equally (unless they act stupid or think they're always smarter about everything just because they're older/played longer), reguardless of how long they've played.

Last edited by Treylina; Oct 9, 2010 at 10:18 AM.