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JCF Éminence Grise

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Jan 5, 2018, 01:46 PM
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Exclamation Haah Waaw Competition

Announcing the Haah Waaw Competition, the latest in a line of tileset competitions with quirky restrictions!

To participate, you must create a JJ2 tileset (using commonsense definitions). Here are the rules!
  • Every tile image in your tileset must be vertically symmetrical, meaning that if you press F in a level editor, the tile's image must not appear to change. The leftmost 16×32 pixel area of every tile must be exactly the same as the rightmost 16×32, but horizontally flipped.
  • No such restrictions apply to the masking.
  • No restrictions apply to number of tiles or number of colors.
  • Your tileset can be built in either a 1.23 or a 1.24 JCS, or djazz's tileset compiler, or really anything you like, but if it has fewer than 1024 tiles you are encouraged to make sure it is 1.23 compatible.
  • Your tileset must function without its user using angelscript or other techniques not available in JCS to circumvent symmetry. Examples include expecting a user to set a layer's offset, edit some tiles' images using jjPIXELMAP, or use such drawing functions as jjDrawRectangle.
  • Collaboration is fine; reusing graphics that you did not draw without the explicit permission of their artists is not fine. If more than one person works on your tileset, you will be expected to decide among yourselves who gets the prize.
  • You may submit multiple tilesets, submit multiple variants on a single tileset, collaborate with multiple people on multiple tilesets, etc.
  • You must include at least one example level. You don't need to be the person who makes it if you don't want to. You don't need to compose your own music either.
  • The deadline is roughly onetwo months from now, February 5thMarch 2.71828th, at whatever time and timezone I feel like. At that time, using whatever arbitrary means and standards of judgment occur to me, a winner will be selected from among whatever tilesets have been submitted at that time. If there have been no submissions made before the deadline, the first submission made after the deadline will win instead, no matter its quality, provided that it follows all non-deadline-based rules.
  • Deadline extensions may or may not be granted, to be determined on a case-by-case basis with no guarantee of provision of justification.
  • The prize is a Steam code for the game Duet. You will need a Steam account in order to play this game, but really you're welcome to do whatever you want with the code once its yours.
  • All above rules are to be interpreted in their spirits, not their letters. If you think you have found a loophole in my wording, either ask if it's okay or else simply don't do it.

Last edited by Violet CLM; Feb 4, 2018 at 01:55 PM.