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Jan 10, 2015, 12:39 PM
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Originally Posted by GoldRabbit View Post
On that note, as you already know, there are also unused animations for bees, Lori, or even Eva jumping when someone scores in CTF (and so on). I'm sure there are bigger priorities right now, but I'm just curious as to whether it would actually be possible to restore them to the way they were meant to be used.
The Eva scoring animation got added to 5.0, though the missing Lori crouch frames are yet to be implemented. Those probably won't come until the next version of plus, but I'm not sure if the trivial ones will be fixed (like the swinging and the idling where she's supposed to pop out her gun)

Originally Posted by Primpy View Post
No, I swear I saw Jazz using helicopter ears and shooting upwards with an animation, not with the normal one. I don't know, maybe I am wrong, but I'm pretty sure I saw that happening...
I've looked in Jazz Sprite Dynamite, both 1.23 TSF and found no sprites of Jazz using copter ears shooting upwards. There is an unused sprite of Jazz shooting upwards in midair without copter ears in 1.23, however.

So you'll have to show to prove me otherwise. "I swear I saw it!" doesn't suffice as an argument. Sometimes people see something that isn't actually there.

If you don't mean that, then it's either messed up sprites or mouse aim is on.

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