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JCF Éminence Grise

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Aug 2, 2007, 10:11 AM
Radium is offline
Oh, hey, Boggy got modded. And page claim.

Getting desperate, I looked under the bed, under the pillow, under the sheets (hey! Blackraptor has a Serta!), even under the hooks on the wall that held the swords. There was not a single loose or easily accessible bolt that would suit my needs. The only one I had seen that even looked mildly like it could work was the loose bolt by the door to the cave, and there was no way I could dislodge that one without some sort of tool designed to act as a class-2 lever...

"Oh, wait. (-) it," I said aloud, looking at the crowbar I had been carrying. I walked back into the cold outdoors, jammed the crowbar under the edge of the loose bolt, and shoved the handle forward. I was rewarded with a perfectly unbroken metal bolt.