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May 26, 2010, 10:24 AM
Treylina is offline
Originally Posted by Shelly View Post
blur, any chance i get to add my custom game mode into plus? Its uses basically the same feats as lrs and a few more. And i recommend an admin command which enables the use of wall climb
I don't remember you asking for a custom gamemode concept. And you can put wallclimb on, just type /wc on in the chatbar.

So, what I found out about the wallkick bug is actually the amount of speed that causes it. I actually put suck speed really high and it had skipped food. Another person has tested the really fast tubes before and it could go through walls and such.

I still think it'd be a better idea to have a no-push mode rather than this allblue/bllred on stuff. Why? Well, because CTF mode limits you to what you can do in tests, no platforms, no frog morph, or bird morph, and so much other things CTF mode limits you to. I hate it. Take a look at EvilMikes platform test. It requires coop mode to work. Awquardly, you have to start hosting as coop, then CTF. This becomes even more awquard when more people keep coming in to play the coop-mode test, having to ask the host to as coop, then joiner leaves, comes back in, then host changes gamemode to ctf. With no-push mode, it would really help broaden test ideas out without the worry of being pushed by others, and make hosting coop tests 5x easier. Alternatively, you could have a new gamemode "Test" which allows coop mode-only tiles to work, no pushing, no pointless red/blue clothing (which is useless for tests really, red/blue clothing is only needed for *real* team games, people only use ctf mode because you cant push others).