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Jan 26, 2015, 11:22 AM
Primpy is offline
Originally Posted by snzspeed View Post
No offense, but how much money will it take to make you stop ruining this forum? im willing to pay +1000 euros.
What's your problem? I improved from -13 rep points to -8.
Also, some TF2 keys will do it, 2 Euro each key ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Originally Posted by GoldRabbit View Post
How about the fact that you don't run this forum and pretty much no one cares about your opinion? You are obviously not the target of this thread and the administrators themselves have contributed to it without giving any infractions to its starter, so if you don't agree, that's your problem.

I'm not looking to get involved into any conflicts, so this is my last post pertaining to this cancerous discussion.
Seriously, am I the only one who thinks this thread is absolutely nonsense and purposeless? There are soooo many reasons:

i would love to see jj2 updated in a new game called bunnies for life
First up, the name is terrible. "Bunnies for Life"? Yeah, a group of 8 years old rabbit lovers would have the same name. So you want a new game. What are you gonna do about it? Just give an idea? Big news, someone wants a Jazz Jackrabbit game, like none of us thought about that a milion times already. Oh come on!

to see a good game of jj2 in a new game type or gamplay that has anyrhing jj2 has and etc go on but with a bit new engine so we all have the same fun but in a different name still 2d cause jj2 in 3d absolutwly sucks lets call it war of thw bunnies for life
I don't even know where to start from! "War of The Bunnies for Life" - Yeah, it's a perfectly matching name for a bootleg-like game! You know, those kind of pay-to-play Facebook games. Lame. Want a new game? Then give a hand! I may be fourteen but I understand the fact that there is A LOT of work when it comes to doing a game, and requires some teammates too. If you feel like doing it, start doing a scratch of the game on any engine you want and continue posting on this thread. Otherwise, there's no reason for this thread to exist. Please, PLEASE, at least match the keys! It's not that hard to write something. There are other characters than the letters too, such as the dot... 3D doesn't suck and never did. 3D makes a game feel open-world. I prefer 2D too, but that doesn't mean you have to share your oppinion about how bad it is. "so we all have the same fun but in a different name" So basically you want the same game but named differently. Just rename your shortcut or the executable file, that must do it. Let me get the straight: If someone else randomly suggests the forum to make a new JJ game you blame him, but when this guy does it it's alright, even an excelent?

You could be some kind of "JCF hero", some kind of god around here, some kind of a big deal, but for me you're just another unlettered from the internet. That's right, kill me because I offended your almighty member, JCF members.

"Floppy ears and a big butt?" - Slaz