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DennisKainz DennisKainz's Avatar

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DennisKainz is notorious for his worthless posts

Jan 9, 2016, 12:03 AM
DennisKainz is offline
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I'd rather have seen Spaz in a different pose. The one with the bird on his hand already exists.

EDIT: Here's a little experiment I did with Texture Maker.

I used a clouds texture I found on Google Images, and I applied it a distortion script I wrote, one that emulates the warp horizon texture mode used by JJ2.

The script lines I used are the following:

To make it actually work like a JJ2 texture, you would rather use (x/2)-0.25 than (x/5)-0.1
Free will was a mistake.
- God

Last edited by DennisKainz; Jan 9, 2016 at 04:49 AM.