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Nov 26, 2001, 10:06 PM
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Post Carnage, Survive, Conquest.

I know, but I didn't have enough time for an explanation.
I'll try to do it now.

3 (preferably as much as possible) or more persons on a small high-above-the-ground battle arena, must battle and kill others. If you fall off, you will come in a sucker tube, where you can get new ammo and stuff. If you can get 3 kills as first, the level will swap to another one, and you've won the round. There are so many of these levels so that you can play many rounds.

This looks a bit like the 'Multi' gamemode. The players must enter holes, which the mod (usually that's me when I server) must close the holes. When all the 6 holes are closed (and occupied), then the host can send all the players into the arena. However, this is not a battle, so it must be hosted in Treasure. The arena is a bit explosive and dangerous, and if you fall into the warps (water, poison, lava etc.) in the bottom you're out. You can bring others to doom faster by attacking them with the Ice, RF and TNT.

There are 2 up to 4 teams. Each team has 2 or more members. The start looks like the 'Multi' and 'Survive' gamemodes. The players will come into a room with four holes. Hole one is for TeamW, hole two for TeamN, hole three for TeamS and hole four for TeamE. The mod can close and send people to their castle (every team has a castle), a start position and a home (the mod can choose a team later so he can play too). There are four castles, one in the West, one in the North, one in the South and one in the West. In each castle there is one carrot, some gems (meaningless), 2 kinds of ammo (+ always freezer for opening the doors, which are springs) and a trone room. Each team must select a king within the players. The teams must try to take over the enemie castles. They can do that by killing the king. If a normal player takes over a castle, he will be caled 'general'. If a general dies, the same will happen with if a king dies.
A player who dies will end up in a jail, and he/she can be freed by other players with ice...

There are two different ways to play Conquest.
A. When a king dies, his team and his castle belong to the enemie, so the whole team will be forced to work under the command of the person who killed the king.
B. When a king dies, the whole team will be out of the play and the castle will belong to the enemie instead.

Dont forget this.. When there is an odd number of players who want to play Conquest, and nobody wants to be in a team with less members, then the host can stomp a trigger so a warp will appear in the waiting room. The people who enter that warp (the remaining people who're not in teams) are called 'Rebels' then. The rebels are teamless, and don't have a castle either. Their objective is to assinate a king or general. When they do so, that kingdom will belong to the rebel, and all the followers of the ex-king (and the king himself) must work for the rebel, who'll be the next king.
BTW: Rebels can be replaced with Mercenaries, but that is a bit more complicated. Mercenaries can come into play the same way, but a team who can kill the mercenarie will get the mercenarie on his/her side.

One last hint about Conquest: If you play, you should join the server with the intial of the team you want to be in (N, S, E or W), then it's easier for the others to see which side you're on.

That finishes the explanation of the three gamemodes Carnage, Survive and Conquest.

Last edited by CraccoBoyCC; Nov 27, 2001 at 07:24 AM.