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Dermo should make better posts

Jun 20, 2007, 03:30 PM
Dermo is offline
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I was about to say it would make it easier if you put the most limited amount of commands required to run a program like this. Maybe /startserver /endserver /banplayer etc would all be required but when you get commands like /minimizetray and you add too many commands, it confuses so easily. So an .ini is a given on this program. Aside from an .ini file, yes a plugin would make it a lot easier. /loadplugin "minimizetray.dll" /loadplugin "autobanajazz.dll" would make it easier because you only have to remember one command and the file name which you can more than easily change to your liking.

EDIT: I'm supposed to be presenting ideas so here's one. Make it so you can set the command for certain things. Like if you want the command to change the level to be /changelevel, you should be able to edit the .ini file and change the level change command to /changelevel.
Yes, I am, in fact, ALWAYS the one to blame for everything. And none of your are full of yourself. Good job.

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Note to Stijn: how am i even getting away with this