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Jul 4, 2018, 09:44 AM
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Lightbulb Renascence: The Last Jackrabbit

Welp, here I am.

It's been five years since I worked on anything worthwhile, besides a multiplayer level or two that I might get around to finishing someday. For a long time I considered myself done with levelmaking but this spring, the bug bit me again, so here I am.

I'm working on a new singleplayer pack. It's not World of Jazz Part 2 - those files were lost in a transfer between computers, and I'd have to start from scratch. This will be a brand new project built within the growing potential of AngelScript. The pack at present consists of roughly twenty levels and will have a centralized story with some light Lovecraftian elements (as I'm reading Lovecraft these days and find it interesting). Emphasis will be placed on multiple-route gameplay ala Deus Ex, where there is a start and end point and multiple ways to get there. There will also be some world lore which can be discovered by exploring the map and finding things. I'm building the pack gameplay-wise to be playable as Jazz, Spaz or Lori, though storywise I need one thing from AngelScript to make that a certainty. This project may be a standalone or it may be a first installment, depending on how I feel about levelmaking by the time I'm done.

Which brings me to the catch - the project will not be done anytime soon. I've just graduated college and am working on situating myself in the workplace, and I don't know yet how much time I'll be able to devote to the project. I also have other creative endeavors which I put the main part of my time into. For all I know this project might take a year or two, but it might also take five years.

But that's a good thing, because it will give time for things I want for the pack to be brought into existence. I'm not a programmer, and I suck at making tilesets. That's why I decided to post about this project at all - I was hoping that, if anyone was willing, folks could start working on things I'm looking for so that I'll be able to take this project to the places I want to take it. I also wanted this to be an advice thread so I can ask people questions - as of yet I'm not thoroughly acquainted with AngelScript and I'm still learning MLLE, but I'd like to make use of both in a full-fledged singleplayer campaign.

So, what do I need for Renascence: The Last Jackrabbit? Here's my list so far (subject to update):

  • Zero Gravity
  • Location tracking (i.e., an arrow persistently pointing back to the start pos)
  • More turtle enemies (i.e., some of the Jazz1 enemies like Je-Turtles from Turtemple, or brand-new types)
  • Rabbit enemies
  • Mutated monster enemies
  • Water-free zones (i.e., dry land below water level)
  • Layer 1 supersceding the water layer (becuz water annoying that way)
  • Placeable static events of Jazz, Devan, Spaz and Lori
  • Placeable static event of the player character
  • Rabbit civilian NPCs
  • The ability for hostile NPCs to shoot at each other (i.e., Rabbit and Turtle forces in combat)
  • Heat wave visual effects (may already exist, I'm not sure)
  • New weapon types (two I'd like to implement are the firework gun and energy blast from Press Garden, but I'll happily take suggestions for other new weapons, too)
  • Misc. UI display stuff (i.e., text appearing onscreen for an objective, then changing once objective is completed)
  • Elimination of damage knockback

(Both tilesets should have at least one black tile)
  • Ocean-themed tileset with sci-fi facility components
  • Greek-themed tileset with city, woodlands and rabbit statues/architecture

I'm also open to any other suggestions or ideas folks might have to help me make this project even better.

As a proof of concept, I've included some very early-production screencaps:

Thanks for your time.

Last edited by PT32; Jul 4, 2018 at 09:57 AM.