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Jun 23, 2008, 03:20 PM
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Originally Posted by n00b View Post
Ok let me get this straight the posts above yours were in a nutshell:
Stijn- Being Stijn. (This is a given, he is of course Stijn.)
Radium- Hopeful, and critiquing the screen shots visually in a constructive manner (He is Radium, after all thats pretty much his job around here)
Violet- Rah Rah, fangame that some one actually posts about. Notes that SzymekRak can have someone in the community help him out make things look better visually. Also directs SzymekRak towards what he should focus on in a kind and helpful manner.

Now correct me if I'm wrong, but "-.-" is internet speak for "I'm no good at internet sarcasm so here's a smiley to let you know, that yes, I am in fact being sarcastic here" (the JCF has its own variation in the ). However when given that 2 out 3 are being rather supportive and the other third is more of "I really just want to save you from wasted efforts better spent elsewhere" but not particularly mean spirited, your post doesn't seem to apply to this thread at all. Did you mean to post elsewhere? Or perhaps were you instead wishing to show us you in the process of blinking, or maybe falling asleep? (in which case why? Its not particularly important)
I Can really see how hard you have tried to bash me , but if all your going to do is talk meaningless drivvle then go right ahead.
Honestly I don't think no one had a problem with my post and if it were to be pointless it would be deleted. Now leave the admins to decide whether or not a post is pointless or not , and stop bashing me becuase you dislike me. Thank you

P.S I don't think theres a rule where I have to use the JCF smileys I can tell how bored you are kid so go outside and play , comon you really tryed hard to rip on a simple post what contained 7 words. In the future a small sentance will do .

OK , didn't someone else recently try to make a Jazz jackrabbit game in gamemaker , and started makeing some levels for it. I'm sure i saved some pictures becuase they were amazeing. Does anyone know ? ("" this one is for you noob )

And how are you doing now on the project you could post pictures useing photobucket. I like fangames
You like it when I talk bad about myself don't you cooba <3
The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.

Your friendly JCF Hillybilly
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