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Apr 18, 2017, 10:51 AM
Treylina is offline
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Well, the bash is over. Thanks to all of those who participated! What are your thoughts and favourite map/s? Here are some of my thoughts;
  • + Got a reasonable amount of oldies to return. Not a large amount, but it felt like more than last year.
  • + Good banter
  • - Hyperspace was pretty much unplayable because of the lag it caused on the Camel servers. Bleh
  • - The organisation was pretty haphazard. I'm not gonna pull the blame card on anyone in particular, it's my fault too.

I'm stepping down as an organiser next AB, though I'll probably still be throwing suggestions.

If you missed the bash though, stay tuned for Unniversary bash 3 this year during summer (somewhere in July/August)! I'll be running it a little differently by doing some curation. It'll be in a new thread.

Jazz Jackrabbit group: