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Batty Buddy

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Sep 28, 2002, 03:07 PM
Batty Buddy is offline
Chapter 6: Spray for ticks

Que Passa!!!!

As you can probably guess, given the date: school is the thing that held this chapter back. As a result, this story cannot really be continued on weekdays anymore: Business before pleasure, you know...

Chapter 6:
Down the Old-habit Hole

Jazz's pad just screamed 'humble beginnings': A simple hole in the ground with a personalized mailbox off to the side (The only article left in the box was a publishers clearing house letter.). In fact the only thing that seemed to identify it as the home of a superhero was the conveniently located telephone booth, which was NEVER actually used to call someone. In fact, it seemed to have never been used since Jazz left, indicated by the family of hiphops that had built a nest inside it... The queen could not fit into the hole, so she had to stand watch outside while the rest of them went down.
Spaz was right: the entire burrow looked like a cyclone had gone through it- and since it was underground, the mere thought of that was unimaginable.
"What's with all the rocks?" Lori asked, looking at a corner of the burrow, where a rather large pile of the things was haphazardly stashed. They appeared to be very ordinary rocks, albeit in a variety of odd shapes and colors.
"Um... Old spoils of past victories." Jazz said before moving over to a large pile of junk in the middle. "Anyway, help me look." "Yeah- Grab a shovel." "Ok: ENOUGH with the messy room jokes, already! Is it MY fault every time I tried to straighten up, some planet needed assistance somewhere??? Anyway, it's in a small metal safe."

"Come on... come on... Where IS it?" Jazz muttered to himself. He had just finished looking under the bed, and was now looking in the kitchen. All he found was a fuzzy piece of pizza, a set of half ripped comic books, and Elvis Presley, who escaped before anyone could ask him for an autograph.
"HEY! Here it is!" Eva said, holding up a small safe with a padlock dial. "GREAT!" Jazz said rushing over and snatching it. "Now let's see, what was that combination again: The numbers in my birthday added together... the date of my graduation..." he fiddled around with the dial for a couple of minutes, each time entering in different number combination. No matter what he tried the safe refused to surrender its contents to its owner.
"Oh- forget it..." he said finally. Pulling out his gun, he shot the door off with one blast to the hinges.
There was a small box inside. Taking it out and opening it, Jazz reviled a small ball-shaped electronic device. "What's that?" "Just a little gizmo I used back when I was a rookie to plan missions." Jazz said, pushing a button on the side.
The machine made a small whirring sound, and a large light shot out of the top.
The light showed a 3-D holographic diagram of what looked like a sector of the junkyard 'planet' of Scraparap. "It's a standard issue 'Holomap-buddy'." "Holomap-'BUDDY'?!?" "Yeah... somebody in the marketing department must have been drinking too much coffee, I guess... Anyway, it was a graduation gift from my parents." Turning the device over, Jazz pointed to a small message from his folks congratulating him for his schooling success. "It's supposed to have some instant scanning doohickey that renders an image of an area and points out important details. Haven't had to use it since I started devoting all my superheroing to Devan's follies. Anyway, since Devan did something to the castle door, this little gem could give us a clue on how to get in. Heck- since we already know what the castle looked like before Devan took over, we might be able to preview the changes we might not notice inside."

"Took you long enough..." Grumbled the queen as everyone came back out.
"Hey... Where's Spaz?" asked Eva, doing a quick headcount. "Must still be in the hole." Jazz guessed. He put his head down underground and called out.
"Hey, Spaz- You coming or not?"
Spaz took one last bite out of his fuzzy piece of pizza before rejoining the others outside...

Will Jazz and his friends be able to get in with the help of their new cheap plot dev... er... I mean, tool? What the heck kind of a name is Holomap-buddy, anyway?

To be continued in chapter 7:

-The Plot Device
Sheep in the Big City

"I must be the personification of the rage to live,
hit me, dunk me, insult me, I'll still hang in there...

...I wonder why..."
-Howard the Duck
Proud to be the 100th, 600th, 666th, and 1000th poster in the "Slime the Poster above you" thread...
Even though I had to cheat... Thank you, The Cheat.
(RIP William Hanna)
"I claim Page 4 in the name of my sexy female self."

Last edited by Batty Buddy; Sep 28, 2002 at 04:00 PM.