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Jul 7, 2011, 07:11 AM
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Unless some "coder" decides to "improve JJ2" and make walljumping easier, it's not much of a problem because of how time consuming it is.
In levels where there already are RF's, walljumping gives a slight extra advantage to players who don't have ammo yet. Considering how much competitive JJ2 is currently focused on controlling ammo, walljumping could be considered a positive balancing factor. Whenever a player has ammo, they will prefer to use an RF-climb, because the success rate is a lot higher.

I wanted to write that a typical walljumper as is me succeeds in about half of his attempts, but I decided to not post any data I didn't confirm before. So I went to battle1 and started to wall jump the most left wall.

Results after 50 attempts:
25 fails
12 single wall jumps
9 double wall jumps
2 triple wall jumps
2 quadruple wall jumps
I just did the same thing at blue base in semi (climbing up to the left where the little "camp chamber" is), and I had roughly the same successrate as you. In general I would succeed like 5 times in a row, then fail about as much until I got into it again.

I've never managed to do a double walljump at all, by the way. It seems to me that that is a lot harder to learn

Edit: Btw, I know no one asked for any random science data but I wanted to raise my self-esteem say it's not really that time consuming if 50% of the time it comes out successful. The above data means that on average, two attempts are needed to perform any of RF climbs in semi without RFs, and about 13 attempts to climb to the top of a medieval skyscraper.
I didn't realize that you only needed one walljump to reach red base in semi. Nice But anyway mimicking RF-jumps is a very small extra advantage in a level which has RFs. Everything past 2 walljumps is definitely not worth the risk in a stressed situation because it's simply to hard - that is, if you're really fucking good at jj2-trix. Mortals like myself would probably stick to single walljumps, and those won't get you higher than RF-climbing would.

As I said above, being able to do a little more without ammo is a good thing considering all the ammo-camping playing that's been going on lately. On the other hand, just like level makers can make it impossible to RF-climb in a certain area, it would be nice if the same option could be given for walljumping. In a patch, an option could of course be added to disable walljumping in your server, but I see no good reason to make that the default option, considering how it is more comparable to RF-climbing than to wallclimbing (ppl want to do the former in a 3v3, but they don't want to get stuck in a wall) - or to Lori kicking through thin walls for that matter (a bug which atleast slightly compensates for her being so disabled compared to spaz in general). I'm undecided whether walljumping should by default be added in levels that don't have RFs, but considering that all mappool levels have RF's it's not a very urgent issue to me personally.

Your conclusion regarding semi, SE, is probably flawed though: I can't seem to do the walljump blind at all (to the left of C in semi), and I need some 30 attempts to walljump out of blue base.

Climbing out of the level in MS is ofc not an issue:
1) you won't have time for so many attempts
2) people will get copter and hunt you down - and you would be better of waiting 4 seconds for the copter yourself anyway

Currently I suck at using any tricks in-game. Wall jump has only saved me from dying multiple times in ww, and once or twice let me recapture in semi.
I've taken C several times in WW, and killed some flag that was camping there by jumping up with blaster after I spawned, and I've managed to stay alive slightly longer at blue base in semi, and I think I've scored once or twice (in like 100 games) in that fashion

Edit: Oh yeah, I just remembered: Another advantage is that you can walljump when you're blinking (in which case you can't RF climb yet)