Thread: Conquests
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Coppertop is doing well so far

Feb 20, 2003, 12:18 PM
Coppertop is offline


Selantrio was shocked by Pirelann's skill. Intellectually he had known that she was his equal, but it had never really sunk in until now. But he recovered speedily, giving as good as he got, fot this was what Deathless Ones - and Faders - were made for and excelled in. Close combat, a matching of power, resolve and knowledge, not the remote warfare from the bridge of a flagship.
Pirelann was good - very good. But she had only her own strength to draw on, and while that may have seemed vast by the standards of the mercenary Coppertop, it was a pond next to Beren's resources - and the Fader Sharrakamov.
Another power joined Pirelann's, linking Pirelann to a stream of clean energy. He recognized it as the Carrotan sorceress, Wild Angel. She drew from the other's energy, Ducky. But in short order Selantrio had blocked them off from Pirelann, denying his foe reinforcement.
She faltered and he took advantage of the respite to appeal to Beren for a spell to hold her.
With a kind of exasperated irritation, knowledge flooded over from the Deathless One lord in an offhand manner. It was enough, and then Pirelann recovered enough to attempt another attack.
Selantrio seized the opportunity; wrestling the energies away from her, he dealt her a blow that left her (metaphorically) reeling before caging her in her own power. Unable to break free, unable to reabsorb the energy, she was trapped until he freed her.
With a gesture he banished her and her trap to an Elsewhere - an alternate dimension, time, and place. She would remain there until he came for her - to destroy her or convert her. Then he turned to deal with the mecenary.
She was not there.
After a moment of puzzlement, he discarded the idea and turned to help Beren.
With the might of two Deathless Ones, Venomarin was easily contained - Selantrio cut her spell away from her, Beren caged her. That left the most powerful of them all.
His presence wreathed the hamber, hiding the mortal foes. Yet he was not physically there, and Selantrio waited for the surprise attack that the Fader was clearly planning.
When it came, the attack was not from the front, but from behind. Selantrio turned, then froze.
Venomarin was free, the cage in tangible shards around her. Her power, combined with Sharrakamov's, wreathed her as she gathered it.
Then she released her hold on Sharrakamov's strength, draining it away. The other Fader's presence was so strong, shielding the mortals, that Selantrio never saw it coming.
In a fraction of a second, all that was left of the Deathless One was a fading vestige of power.