Thread: Conquests
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Coppertop is doing well so far

Feb 24, 2003, 08:29 AM
Coppertop is offline
Whoops! Well, even I make mistakes sometimes ... I typed about 3 parts in half an hour, so I guess that could happen.

Beren ceased holding back his full powers, and now Venomarin was dwarfed. The Deathless One easily matched Sharrakamov in strength.
She knew that she could not defeat him. Nor could she even hope to survive the encounter.
She knew what she had to do. Sharrakamov's reluctant acceptance decided her.
With one last strike, she gathered every scrap of power she possessed, including her own essence, as the other Fader withdrew. She could not know that she blazed bright as the sun with contained power. Brighter; they could not look upon her. Then the light consumed Beren, burning him as well.
What had been Venomarin and Beren flared with incandescence, like a star going nova. A fiery shock wave rippled out, blinding Coppertop and her friends, but it never touched them. Then, as suddenly as if somebody had flipped the light switch, darkness fell.
It was not total darkness; after a few moments, Copper's eyes adjusted and she could see once more. A soft grey light filled the chamber, and a large black door stood innocently behind Zanzibar. A tall, cloaked figure stood in the center of the room.
For a wild moment, Copper thought that Beren had somehow, incredibly, survived that holocaust. But then she realized that the cloak was not black.
Sharrakamov turned and looked at the mercenary, hidden gaze meeting her own, shadowy one. Zanzibar stepped forward.
"You have done what was required of you and more, Sharrakamov. Thank you."
*I have no tie to you now. Do not seek me again ... unless your life is in danger.*
"Where will you go now?"
*I will find Pirelann. Look to your kin, Firenzev.*
"I will. Thank you."
Sharrakamov faded from sight, leaving Zanzibar and his friends alone. Resolutely he turned and opened the door. They left the room without a backwards glance.
