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Jun 6, 2023, 09:12 AM
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Let me reply to some of the points which violet made above here.
1) i only played and recorded one duel vs SJ with bulletshoot and bulletserver (without bulletvictim). Ofc this resulted in lagbouncing again. Otherwise i didn't notice anything special about it, except once i heard the "hurt" sound multiple times after sj got hit. and one time the hurt sound happened delayed. Anyway i dont rly see a big benefit from using /bulletshooter. And I'm being told the more hits are client-side, the more cheating can possibly emerge from it. Therefore personally I'm against the use of /bulletshooter.

2) we only played one battle round with bulletvictim enabled. it seemed to produce the usual /bulletvictim-realted bugs. and one of the players reported that a +1 carrot took him back to 5h when he was only 1 or 2h iirc.

3) We have following bugs recorded on video (with either only /bulletvictim OR /bulletvictim+/bulletserver):
- springs stop working midgame but later continue working again in the same round, seemingly after u get roasted.
- getting hit and instead of dying, staying alive with zero h on screen. like a zombie
- getting hit by low ammo, then by a bouncer-PU and still being alive (with 1h on screen, according to the player who got it.) but this happened only once.
- kills happening without a kill message or change in stats. Sometimes after respawning, the player gets 3hk. If the player had the flag when he died, he respawns WITH flag.
- in one rly weird moment there is a carrotkill long before blinktime ends and the player respawns with flag. all happening together lol.
- something seems to be wrong with the carrot when /bulletvictim is on. Ppl theorised that C seems to be client-side too then, bcs in some duel-rounds both players started taking their own personal carrot during the match as it always respawned on their screen long before it was supposed to respawn after the opponent had taken it recently. and it wasn't fake Cs. One time a player reports he cant take a C which he sees on his screen, but after he got roasted it worked again.
- based on subjective perception, sometimes the animation of the roasted rabbit stayed on screen for longer than usual or moved up and down a bit. one objective bug which was seen was already reported in the first bulletreporter version in my comment above. there sj kills dz and dz's ded rabbit stays onscreen so empive shoots it too and empive gets the kill instead of sj.
- the "hurt" sound by the rabbit after getting hit could be heard multiple times at once sometimes or it happened delayed.
- sometimes players reported that they see other played warping (but i guess this is nothing new and idk if its related to bulletreporters).
- sometimes nocaps happened but idk if its related to bulletreporters as its also not new.

all of this is recorded on video. but i'd only bother to invest the time to look up the exact timestamps of the bugs, if it's required. If nobody has the motivation and willingness to further invest time into finding the cause of the bugs and fixing them AND to retest and analyse it if the bugs are gone, i'm currently prefering NOT to go through the vids again to give exact timestamps of the bug moments. but if there emerges more motivation in the community to further develop this, i can do that.

Read my next post for more RELEVANT feedback about bullet reporters.

Last edited by t3Kev; Jun 6, 2023 at 12:00 PM.