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Jan 13, 2012, 10:11 AM
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Originally Posted by Violet CLM View Post
15) Why do lettuce, chocolate bars, oranges, slices of cake, "things," and slices of pie all contribute equally to sugar rushes?
16) Did nobody ever think that naming the planet with the secret turtle temple "Turtemple" was a bit of a dead giveaway?
17) Is Megairbase really shaped like a giant squared-off question mark? (and if so, is the dot at the bottom where you fight the guardian?)
18) In JJ2, Tubelectric has become a giant pinball machine instead of an abandoned munitions factory, and the rain stops falling in Medivo even though the JJ1 manual said that that never happened. Is this a result of Devan's time travel? If so, what else has changed in the universe?
15) Being a two-dimensional character, Jazz has an extremely active metabolism.

16) Nobody ever said turtles were smart.

17) That's an interesting 'question', since parts of one or another level DO seem to loop around...

18) Devan got partway through revamping Tubelectric, but became bored and decided to play pinball on Tubelectric. Then he got interrupted by some other galactically important task, and Tubelectric never got finished.

It stopped raining on Medivo because Devan no longer reigns there.

Here's a few more.

19) If, according to the JJ2 manual, Jazz is thrown into the royal Carrotus dungeons at the beginning of "Formerly a Prince", why is he unchained, uncaged and armed with a gun?

20) Why are Devan's goons guarding Jazz in Carrotus Castle instead of the Queen's own royal rabbit guards?

21) If the Schwartzenguards on Marbelara are playing phaser-tag, why don't they hit each other every once in a while?

22) Is the Mad Hatter baddie drunk on tea, or is there some other kind of liquid substance in his teacup?

23) If the Witch can turn Jazz into a Frog at will, why doesn't she just turn Eva into a Frog and prevent Jazz from ever reverting into a rabbit?
Don't say "cannot," say "why not?"

Renascence: The Last Jackrabbit