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Jul 14, 2010, 11:28 AM
Jerrythabest is offline
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I found out how the Platform and Umbrella events work. Their parameters appear to be identical, but are somewhat surprising.

1 =One Way               |One   |Way
17=End of level          |Level |End
29=Start position        |Level |Start
 33=Battery holder       |Batt  |Holder|Global ID:     6|Direction:     1
 35=Liferaft             |Life  |Raft  |Water ID:      6
40=Platform              |Plat- |form  |Global ID:     6|Tracks:        3|Direction:     1|Speed:   4|+Tracks (x8):3
 41=Water pump           |Water |Pump  |Global ID:     6|Full water ID: 6|Empty water ID:6
42=Recharger             |Re-   |charge|Direction:     1
 46=Water                |Water |      |Water ID:      6|Width (tiles): 5|Height (tiles):5|Filled:  1|Mode:        1
50=Dripping Water        |Drip  |Water
51=Small enemy           |Small |Enemy |Hanging:       1
52=Large enemy           |Large |Enemy |Hanging:       1
53=Freddy the dragon     |Fred- |dy
55=Monitor               |Moni- |tor   |Hanging:       1|Direction:     1
56=End boss              |End   |Boss
58=Umbrella              |Umbr  |ella  |Global ID:     6|Tracks:        3|Direction:     1|Speed:   4|+Tracks (x8):3
60=Extra life            |Extra |Life
 61=Upgrade Battery holder|Upgr. |Holder|Global ID:     6
62=Battery               |Bat-  |tery
63=Super battery         |Super |Batt
65=Set water colour      |Water |Colour|Surface colour:8|Deep colour:   8
66=Button of Death       |Death |Button
70=Leaking energy        |NRG   |Leak

38=Elevator              |Ele-  |vator |Global ID:     6|2:             3|Direction:     1|Speed:   4|5:           3
39=Elevator stopper      |Stop  |Elev  |Global ID:     6|2:             1
 43=Door                 |Door  |      |Global ID:     6|Start low:     1|3:             1|Stop low:1|Speed:       3|Stomps:6
44=Stomper               |Stom- |per   |Global ID:     6|2:             3|3:             3|4:       3|5:           4
 47=Belt                 |Belt  |      |Global ID:     6|2:             2|3:             4|4:       4|5:           4
48=Transporter           |Trans-|porter|Global ID:     6|Height (tiles):4|3:             4|4:       4|x:2
54=Rain                  |Rain  |      |1:             1|2:             1|4:             1|8:       1
For some totally weird reason they split up the 'Tracks' bitfield, inserting Direction and Speed in the middle of it. So you've got 2 parameters that control how many tracks (does anyone have a better word for it?) the platform/umbrella completes: parameter 2 ('Tracks') and parameter 5 ('+Tracks (x8)'). The number you enter in the '+Tracks (x8)' field, will be multiplied by 8 and added to the number you entered in the 'Tracks' field. Don't ask me why they didn't just make it a single 6-bit parameter.

Also, setting both 'Tracks' parameters to 0 wouldn't make any sense, so the game automatically corrects this to 1. So even with 'Tracks' set to zero, the platform/umbrella will move one time.

EDIT: now also updated screenshot links in this thread to point to where they're really to be found.

Last edited by Jerrythabest; Jul 14, 2010 at 11:48 AM.