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Jun 23, 2006, 03:29 AM
CrimiClown is offline
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I don't know how long I cried. It could have been a few seconds, but then again, it felt like an hour... Oziach was dead... My last remaining relative. What should I do next? WHY should I do something next? Wouldn't it be in vain? Who could take care of me now? So many questions... So little time... I must do what's right. Oziach...

It didn't take long before I felt this overwhelming feeling. I couldn't help otherwise than just run at Oziach. I looked at his face, most of it covered by his helmet. Not much of his face was still on the spot where it used to be. The blood filled his helmet as fast as a boat with a hole in it... Impossible to stop it in time...

Delrith and the Zamorakian mages were heading for Varrock. They all turned around at once and marched towards the southern gate.

"Now's my chance..." I whispered to myself. I took Silverlight with me and charged at the incredibly large demon. I managed to jump on his back and leap towards his head. Delrith turned his head around to look who was jumping on him. He shouldn't have done that...

I stood on his head, placing my feet firmly against his horns. I raised Silverlight, however heavy it was, and slashed right down his face. The cut was horribly wide, as if the sword had a devistating effect on the demon. The roar of Delrith was louder than I heard before. It wasn't all as frightening, either, it was a scream of pain. Once more I raised the blade, dropping it down on the top of his head, right between my feet. Delrith was done for. He fell down on top of one of the Mages of Zamorak. The other two managed to run away.

Then, something indescribable happened... I raised my hand and felt this... Strange power. My hand started glowing green... I remembered that colour. That same bright colour as I've seen once before. I placed my hand on Delrith's injured head and watched it vaporize... No scream was heard this time... Nothing but the sizzling sound of a puddle of demon blood...


Like, wowzers! Chapter TWO coming up!

-=[ Chapter Two: Nobody left to trust ]=-

"Oh my Guthix... Where the hell am I?" I said to myself when I finally woke up. I shouldn't have opened my eyes. The sunlight was burning in my eyes, as if someone stabbed me with a red hot poker.

"Wake up! We're going to be late!" someone shouted at me. I recognized that voice. It was Zogoran. "You shouldn't drink that much before going to bed, you know..." he said to me. As if I didn't know when to stop drinking...

Zogoran lived at our house now. My parents didn't seem to mind at all. They were rather concerned about him. In those tens years, both Zogoran and I did nothing else than train and help our parents growing crops. When we both turned 15, we got our very first job at the General Store in Varrock.

"So, young tummywuttes..." the old storekeeper coughed, "You'z wanna be working for me now, ey?"

"Yes, sir, we'd be very pleased to." Zogoran exclaimed. I didn't say anything yet, the shopkeeper would probably not give work to someone with a hangover...

"Your first assignement is easy... Just deliver this parcel to Luthas, East of Brimhaven, near the docks..."

"Wait a tic..." I said to myself. "Brimhaven, that's like, Karamja Island, right?"

"Yes, indeed." the shopkeeper answered. "Now where was I..."

"Zogoran, that's gonna take all day to get there... And we get paid per HOUR..."
"I know, shut up..." he answered to me.

"Well, that be all. You'z ready?" The shopkeeper punched in the air, as if he was exited.

"Yes, sir." I replied, also raising my fist.

The old man walked towards a pile of junk. Loads of empty boxes and crates were piled up. Underneath was a ladder, sticking out. The shopkeeper took hold of the ladder and raised it against the shelves. He swiftly brought down a parcel.

"Just make sure it arrived in one piece. We wouldn't want our costumers to complain..."

"You got it!" I shouted as I took the parcel and walked out. "Come on, Zogoran, I'll race ya!"

I started running, securely holding the package under my left arm. I thought I was far ahead of Zogoran, but at that very moment, he passed me and snatched the parcel. We both crossed the river Lum at Barbarian Village, directly heading south through Draynor. A little shortcut never did anyone harm, they say...

"Excuse me!" A rather old man tried to stop us. Zogoran and I stopped and asked what's wrong. "You see, I heard you guys are heading for Karamja?"

"Well, err, yeah..." I replied.

"Good. Could you please also take this package to Luthas, who lives at the eastern docks?"

"What a coincidence!" Zogoran exclaimed. "We're heading ther anyway. No problem."

"I'll give you a few coins for the boat, young lads." The old man offered.

"No, we're good. Thanks anyway." Zogoran said.

I took a quick look at the amount of coins the old man was holding. "Hmm..." I thought. "60 coins... That's enough for the trip back." I pondered for a second. "Well, we'll take it, anyway. Remember, we have to get OFF the island as well."

The old man grinned. "Very well." He tossed the coins right into my hand. The sun reflected on the coins, blinding me for a second. "So this is how wealth felt..." I thought. "Sixty coins was more than I ever saw on one pile. Then again, I was a poor kid... I could make a living selling runes on the market..."

I snapped out of my little daydream as Zogoran pulled my arm. "HEY! Wake up! We have a delivery to make!"

Once in Port Sarim, we took a short break in the Rusty Anchor Inn. You could smell piracy all over the place. The building was filled up with searots, pirates and mateys. Drunk people could easily be found under any random table.

"I'll have one Whisky, please." I said to the barkeep.
"That be costin' ye two pieces o' eight." I gave the man what he wanted and quickly drank my whisky. It tasted rather foul. Zogoran didn't drink anything... We left as soon as possible.

ANOTHER EDIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111
I hopped on the boat first. Zogoran followed, carrying both the shopkeeper's and the old man's parcel. He put them down as soon as he took a seat on deck.

"Cap'n!" Zogoran yelled. "When are we going to sail?"

A rather aged man with a long, black beard came out of a little cabin on deck. His left leg was replaced with a peg leg. One of his arms was nothing more than a little stump of flesh, wobbling every time he took a step forward.

"Ahoy, mateys, going to Karamja? We be sail'n in a few min'ts. Ju'z take yer seat 'n' pay dem bucanneers thirty golden dubloons, aye?" The captain went inside his cabin again, shutting the door with a slam. For some reason, there was lots of laughter coming from the cabin, assumingly just the captain being drunk.

"So, I wonder what's in that other parcel..." I said to Zogoran, who was staring at the crow's nest.

"Oh, err, I dunno... We shouldn't open it, really, it's a parcel for Luthas, after all."

He was right, although I was a little scared about the content... People tend to be scared of the unknown...

A deckscrubber came by and raised his hand in front of our faces. "Thirty will be e'ough fer both of ye, this time." His hand was covered in dirt... It didn't matter much, because I was not going to get the money back anyway. I dropped the coins in his hand, counting them, every piece.

"T'nks." He mumbled. He continued scrubbing untill the ship set sail.

Once at Karamja, we got off the boat and headed for Luthas straight away. It was not far from the docks. Halfway the road, you could feel the tropical warmth, the damp air and the rich aroma of bananas. Zogoran knocked on Luthas' door. From the backside of the house, a nicely tanned adult came around the corner.

"Were ye lookin' fer me?" He asked.

"Depends." Zogoran said. "Are you Luthas?"

"Yep. Owner of this nice banana patch right 'ere."

"We came to bring you a parcel with the regards from the General Store in Varrock. We also got this gift..."


"A'ight, jus' put 'em down o'er here." Luthas mumbles. He turned around, grabbed an old sock from one of his drawers and took out a few coins.

"There ya go, lads, for the trip back. Boat's leavin' in half an hour." Luthas smiled, showing us his rotten teeth. "Thanks again."

We walked off his property, towards the pub on the other side of the road. "Soooooooo..." I sighed. "We got half an hour left... What shall we do?"

"Well, I don't know..." Zogoran said. "I don't really feel like drinking something now..."

"Nor do I... I'd say we check out the top of the vulcano while we're here anyway." Frost grinned. "That'd be so awesome."

"Ah, why not..." Zogoran said full of enthousiasm. "Maybe we'll even find something cool to bring home!"

A long, long walk through the jungle was nessecary to reach the vulcano. It wasn't smoking, thank Guthix, or else it'd be too dangerous and would Zogoran have made the smart, wise decision of not going there...

"Hey! I think I found a cave!" Zogoran shouted from the other side of the vulcano.

I rushed there as fast as I could. All of a sudden, I tripped over a dead tree stump and fell over. When I hit the ground, I noticed how hot it was... I was right above the boiling magma. My face was just a few feet away from the surface. A bubble of magma was about to snap right below me. I got up quickly and managed not to get hit, or more important, not to get maimed for life.

"Frost! You have to see this..." Zogoran whispered. I could barely understand him, but knew that I had to walk his way, slowly...

As I took a peek into the cave, I saw men dressed in red robes... Could it be a hideout for the Zamorak religion? Right beside them was a cage with a huge egg in it...

"Hey, that egg is way too big to be a bird's egg..." I whispered.

"Yeah..." Zogoran replied. "I think it's a dragon's egg... Why would they bring it here into the vulcano?"

Last edited by CrimiClown; Jun 26, 2006 at 01:58 AM.