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Joined: Feb 2006

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Marijn is doing well so far

Apr 30, 2006, 08:14 AM
Marijn is offline
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using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

unsafe class app
	char[] input;
	char *output;
	int CompressedSize;
	int UncompressedSize;

	static void Main()
	app a = new app();

	public unsafe void Decode()
	string (-) = "Let us attempt to compress this string";
	 input = (-).ToCharArray();
	UncompressedSize = input.Length;
	CompressedSize = (int)((float)(UncompressedSize * 1.01 ) + 12);

	compress2(output, &CompressedSize, input, UncompressedSize, 9);


static extern long compress(ref object dest, ref object destLen, ref object src, long srcLen); 
static extern long compress2( char* dest, int* destLen, char[] src, long srcLen, int Level); 
static extern long uncompress(ref object  dest, ref object  destLen, ref object src, long srcLen);
static extern long crc32(long crc, ref object  buffer, long bufferLen);

AAh.. Supid formats.. The C# compiler complaints about this error:

decodejj2t.cs(30,20): error CS0212: You can only take the address of an unfixed expression inside of a fixed statement initializer

decodejj2t.cs(30,20): error CS0212: Alleen het adres van een niet-vaste
expressie kan binnen de initialisatiefunctie van een vaste instructie
worden gebruikt

I need to use the keyword "fixed" but.... Where :'(

Last edited by Marijn; Apr 30, 2006 at 01:43 PM.