Thread: Conquests
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Coppertop is doing well so far

Aug 31, 2001, 01:40 PM
Coppertop is offline
I noticed, Kovey, there's been no updates on Apokallyipsis

Okay, I give. Here's the next little bit.

The hooded One stood silently on the corner, watching the passerbys. Although the streetlight illuminated him, he seemed to be surrounded with an aura of darkness, and pedestrians didn't seem to notice him.

Unseeable, unkillable. Truly were They the Deathless Ones.

The Deathless One made a sign, sketching something in the air. A moment later the brightly lit street faded away and he stood in the dark of Manif Alley.

The fearful one was there. He had told Them that he was waiting for his cousin. This Deathless One would watch him.


A shadow among the Medivans, Zanzibar Sia slipped agiley through the throng. He knew where Tralion was.

A dark passage gaped between two shabby shops. Ironically, one had been Wild Angel's before she'd become friends with Coppertop.

Forget trivialities. Concentrate only on the mission ahead! The Firenzev was well trained. And ready.

Then Tralion, his traitorous cousin, stood facing him.

"Cousin. Well met."

"Spare me the empty pleasantries. Where is Sharrakamov?" Tralion nervously edged back.

"T-take it easy, Sia. I don't know who you're t-talking about."

"Figure it out, Tralion. Sharrakamov, you remember, don't you? My companion." Tralion gulped. He'd already blown it; maybe he could fix his case. . .

"Sharrakamov. . . Sharrakamov. . ." The traitorous Firenzev knew that They'd gotten the wrong person. He shrugged helplessly.

"I know no 'Sharrakamov'."

"But. . . you have a prisoner."

"I? No. But I know One who might have-"

Twin red laser beams shot from the shadows and struck Tralion in the chest. The Firenzev gasped, fumbling for a device on his belt- and vanished. Cursing, Zanzibar whirled. A brilliant flash showed that his cousin's assailant had disappeared.

He had learned something, at least. For Sharrakamov was not his companion who was missing.

Rroyvan was.