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Nov 2, 2016, 05:47 AM
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Originally Posted by Jelly Jam View Post
And I actually still can't compete in this... At the end, the joke's on me.

Anyway, probably not the right place to ask this but, what is an assault level?
I mean, I figured someone here would already ask that, but the links are old so the general description of the gamemode type now leads to JDC 3vs3 matches.
Assault is a team-based gamemode where the goal is to complete a set of objectives faster than the other team. In old assault levels this typically consists of breaking a series of crates in order to advance, although script allows for more possibilities nowadays. There are two types of Assault level: single and double.

In single assault, the attacking team tries to complete the objectives as fast as possible while the defending team tries to stop them. The round ends when all of the objectives are complete or when the time runs out. After the round is over, the teams swap roles and it becomes the mission of the other team to complete the objectives faster than the other team did in order to win the match. If the other team did not successfully complete all of the objectives, then the team just needs to get further than the other team did to win.

Examples of single assault include The Bridge (ASBridge), Cargo Ship Assault (ASCargo) and Fortress of Fate (ASFate).

In double assault, the basic principles of the gamemode are the same except both teams have to complete objectives simultaneously, with the first team to finish being the winner, or the team that completed the most objectives after the time runs out.

Examples of double assault include Desolation Hills (onsdhills), Midnight Metropolis (xlmm3os01) and Abandoned Skyscraper Assault (olcassault1).