Thread: JCS Awards 2004
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White Rabbit White Rabbit's Avatar

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White Rabbit is doing well so far

Dec 20, 2004, 02:59 AM
White Rabbit is offline
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Best levelmaker: Dunno. All the really good ones have been pretty inactive this year.
Best levelmaking group: If it isn't OLC I'm going to start my own group and win the prize.

Best levelpack: FSP: Rent Collection by Violet.
Best eyecandy: Er...
Most original level: How to Do Flying Crates by N0b0dy. ;P

Best SP level: Maybe something from the Froggy Quest by chandie? Most good sp levels come in packs.
Best CTF level: Ragnarok's Stronghold by Ragnarok.
Best battle level: Garden Brawl, FS. I've been inactive throughout 2004 so I have absolutely no idea what to write here. I just chose the lvl with the highest rating, mwahhaha.

Best tilesetmaker: ...?
Best tileset: Mystic Island by Moonblaze. There doesn't appear to be any other tileset with a 8.9 rating for 2004. Where is Agama? :S
Best JJ1 conversion: Holidaius, by Violet.
Best JJ2 conversion: I don't understand how you can convert a JJ2 tileset into a JJ2 tileset. Diamondus B by Pyronamus it is.

This is all I can write for now.