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DennisKainz DennisKainz's Avatar

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DennisKainz is notorious for his worthless posts

Feb 4, 2013, 01:42 AM
DennisKainz is offline
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I really shouldn't have doubted you developers. I never thought I'd see so much progress in so little time. I saw butterflies following paths, timers for completing tasks, lizard ambushes, poisonous water flows, drivable platforms, timed out bonus stages, weather and daytime changing in a single level, a new boss, immortal skeletons, scrolling rooms ... I thought I'd have not seen any of these until year 2019. Instead, it's all here, already.

I feel so ashamed for doubting you admin/developers and your good intentions towards JJ2.

Besides, I can't understand a thing of this Angel Script thing. The only thing I managed to do is making the job seat in a Hotel level spawn food on the tables.