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Doubble Dutch

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Doubble Dutch is doing well so far

Jun 18, 2006, 05:54 AM
Doubble Dutch is offline
Oooh, I am *wired* tonigh; its 3am and I've consumed much coffee, sugar and cruddy late night B-Movies Now you know what I do waiting for 'Sone of Dracula' to end and 'The Bride of Frankenstein' to begin.

*Chapter 2: Affairs of state*

Amil was deep in concentration, fine tuning her soccer skills. She was now quite passable, because, although she had no talent whatsoever, she'd had a lot of time to practice. Nearby her three friends Alice, Sidera and Andil were engrossed in a game of Step, Shellian checkers. Of course she'd rather have been anywhere but the shelian quarter of the city, but she simply didn't have the cash to go anywhere else, and she was not[/] squatting. Besides it had its advantages, [i[nobody here showed any interest in soccer, a game that involved both speed and dexterity, so she was left pretty much alone. Okay, maybe 'friends' was too intimate a term for the three shellions present, but at least [she was pretty sure] they would be slightly upset by her death.

She graduly became aware of an intense staring at the back of her neck, much like what little children do before they ask one of the 'dreaded questions' [Such as "Mommy, what are those two dogs doing?'] It was another Shellion; she continued her practice, aware that she was still being stared at. "What's that?" "Its a soccer ball, you've probbably never heard of it. You gotta hit the ball with any part of your body except your feet, even your head- oof!" The Shelian continued to stare as Amil gingerly rubbed her nose. 'Ummm, but you face Doesn't that hurt?' 'Rrrgh! Thats not what I meant to do!' growled Amil as the blood started to flow. SHe tottered over to her 'friends' to borrow a hankercheif 'Stupid twit! Probbably only one shellian soccer fan and he ends up here!" Andil handed her a tissue. 'He's a rabbit' she said calmly.

Amil scowled. That was shellians for you. Probbably some big insult back in turtle land. They could've at least used the local slang, they *did* live here after all.

* * *

Spaz stood to attention as the Queen approached. He knew the routine now, but the sight of the Queen always unerved him, when somebody's thrown you through a stained glass window just for eating their pet budgie, its hard to ever be at ease around them. Besides, it had got out of its cage, what did she expect? Okay, maybe the door needed jiggling but- 'SPAZ JACKRABBIT!' the harsh voice cut through his idle thoughts like a diamond sawblade. He stood sharply to attention, performing a salute that nearly knocked him unconsious. The queen towered over him, and around him too; she was a woman built for... built for... well, just built really. 'I hope you will be taking this duty as seriously as always?' Spazz nodded vigourusly, but not so vigourusly as to slobber anywhere [One can only face having one's tounge slammed in a door a few times.] Admiral Ducat was already approaching, wearing the hunted, worried expression of anyone that had to spend long periods of time around the queen- without earmuffs. 'We will be discussing state business, most likely for the next hour or so. As susual I want NO interruptions no matter WHAT you hear or WHAT the reason! You've done a good job so far and I hope I can trust you with important missions like these?' Again Spaz nodded vigourusly. 'Very well, do your duty' Admiral Ducat gave Spaz a harried, almost pleading look as the door shut slowly behind him.

There are very few magical doorways in the multiverse, but most of those that are remain undiscovered due to the fact that they do not sparkle or shimmer in any way. Knowing this one could have eaily belived one such doorway was being guarded by Spaz. Before the Queen walked through it you could have sharpened axes on her glare but the instant she passed through she seemed to shrink and deflate. No such transformation overcame Admiral Ducat however, who was about as deflated already as one could get without being a balloon. He turned a worried face to the Queen. 'Your majesty! We can't keep this up! Somebody's bound to find out sooner or later, surely even that redheaded dolt suspects something?' The Queens reply, when it came, was unusually quiet and measured. 'Roland please, Spaz Jackrabbit wouldn't know if it was teusday or thursday and please, call me Emalia.' The admiral sighed and sat down on a bed. This was one of the forgotten rooms of the castle, a guest room maybe? Or for some royal personage no longer resident or living? Who knew? But it had been tidied up quite recently and showed signs of having been lived in, or at least used often in the recent past. The bed creaked and sagged as the Queen sat down on it her sheer weight deforming it and pulling Roland towrds her, much like a massive star would a planet. He paused. 'I didn't know you were called Emalia.' This time it was the Queen who sighed. She put an broad arm over the admiral's shoulders. 'I don't know, I've been 'The Queen' so long I've completely forgotten, but I like the sound of it, don't you?'

After that, neither said anything for a long, long time.

* * *

Outside Spaz was busy making his way through a large sandwich; nobody said gaurds had to go hungry after all. Besides, those two always took longer than an hour. Whatever they were discussing must be real important and Spaz felt a twinge of pride at having a hand in such important matters. Noticing a small stone had fallen from the ceiling he tossed it idly out of a window. There was a hollow "thock" as it colided with something down below.

The entity stood over the unconsious rabbit, if that word could be used, and let loose a small quip of excited ultraviolet. Perfect! The stone had fallen three stories and rather improbbably had caused a major concussion. And it had seen it! Wonderful! Everything was going to plot...

nonne amicus certus in re incerta cernitur?
