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JCF Éminence Grise

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Dec 30, 2013, 11:51 PM
Violet CLM is offline
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One can pretty easily see which characters are currently missing at which sizes by running Jazz Sprite Dynamite. (I make no comment at this time about whether this is something that will matter come next release.)

Here's another idea for plus, why not include the new language files for JJ2?
You could ask basically the same question for anything people have made in the last fifteen years, which is kind of a weaselly answer, but there you go. (Heck, since all that's really important is plus.dll and one .exe or another, you could make your own compressed archive if you wanted to.) If there comes a time that the normal Plus distribution includes language files, it'll be because Plus itself supports them, i.e. Domination would sometimes be called Domination and sometimes, I dunno, Beherrschung?