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Jun 17, 2016, 10:23 AM
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A prequel about how Jazz came to be. His Dad is the source of cheesy one liners and his wife doesn't know how to take care of children, leaving the kids (Jazz and Spaz) inside the house. Chaos ensues as Jazz tries to keep his (half) brother under control. How will Spaz manage to eat the dopefish? What is his true name?

Later on, Jazz starts going to school, but a war is still ongoing. Devan is the nerdy punching bag being the odd species of the bunch, but he learns to strike back by unleashing contraptions created in his grandmothers basement - hidden.

I was meant to make a comic on this, but I have doubts about it happening. That's not the full story, of course (in fact I never finished writing it).

I prefer new stories over retelling old ones. Unless the old one was a broken mess.

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