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Mar 20, 2014, 08:33 AM
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So, 3 months after the process of V1, I decided to start with a new version. With much better looking tiles and hopefully made more with tiling in mind. Well, I actually started V2 a year and half ago. But I had took along break from it due to frustration from poor tiling skills. Now I'm working on it again. The name of the tileset is prior to change. I thought of calling it Mystic Ruins instead, but then some might think it's a Sonic based tileset when it's not. Maybe Island Ruins? Here's a preview:

The stone sticking out bothers me. It looks like it's glued on rather than sticking out from the soil. Can anyone give any advice?

However, I'm not sure if this post belongs to this thread. I don't know if this remake warrants a title of obscure/rare/unpopular since Natures ruins and Mystic isle were relatively used.

Jazz Jackrabbit group:

Last edited by Treylina; Mar 20, 2014 at 09:58 AM. Reason: Moving some stuff.