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JCF Éminence Grise

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Dec 31, 2021, 10:44 AM
Violet CLM is offline
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Thanks for the positive feedback!

The way JJ2+ works is that it take an existing windows application, jazz2.exe, and sneakily adds some code at various memory locations, mostly code telling jazz2.exe to call functions contained in plus.dll instead of (or in addition to) the equivalent original code. The bulk of the program, the framework in which all those sneaky insertions are based, is still a windows application. I don't see how the same principles could be used to make it run on other operating systems, but that's in part because I know absolutely nothing about writing programs that run on other operating systems. Learning more about the subject would mean doing a significant amount of research that might not lead to anything, and--in all honesty--seems pointless when Wine exists. My intuition is that such time and energy would be more productively spent working on fixes or features that benefit a wider chunk of the userbase. We are, ultimately, a team of hobbyists: we have no resources for bringing on specialists to tackle problems like this that need less familiar bodies of knowledge.

As for MLLE, it's open source, and I have been told there is something called "Mono" that is somehow involved in making C# programs (such as MLLE) run on other operating systems (such as Linux). That's the extent of my knowledge on the subject, but anyone who knows more is welcome to give it a try.