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Wild Angel

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Mar 14, 2002, 04:59 PM
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Yes, yes. Purple was a symbol of royalty if I am not mistaken.
The picture was actually sopose to have to have her wearing armor over her chest. I tried it, but I didn't like it very much. In my mytho book she was wearing purple and white, so that's how I drew it. ^-^
*Ponders* Athena used a spear, and she one day met a semi-goddess named Pallas. While practicing with their spears, Athena accidently killed Pallas. To show her grief, she was from then on known as Pallas Athena (or Athene).
There had always been rivaly between Amphrodite (goddess of love), Hera (Zeus's wife- she seemed to have been a trouble-maker), and Athena (virgin goddess of war and craft).
Yes, yes, and everyone has heard of Medusa, daughter of the sea-god-- Phorcys. She offended Athena/Athene one day, so Athena turned her into the hideous monster Medusa is known as; if you looked at her you turned into stone and her hair was turned into snakes.
Oh yes, and we've all heard of Pegasus in the movie Hercules and all, apparently that was Athena's winged-horse that she loned to Bellerophon so he could complete his quest to kill a Chimaera. o.0
Heracles or Hercules was driven mad by Hera, and killed his wife and children. Apparently, when Hercules re-marry to Deianeira, Hera tricked his wife into giving Hercules a magic robe which killed Hercules, but Zeus rescued his son and took him to Mount. Olympus where he could become an 'immortal'.
Anyway, I could blabber on [for hours] about goddesses and gods, but I won't.

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Last edited by Wild Angel; Mar 14, 2002 at 05:13 PM.