Thread: Feature Request Pesky Bots
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Jul 13, 2020, 11:33 AM
Dysla2003 is offline
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Pesky Bots

Hello I have a decent idea that would prohibit current pesky bots that seem to connect out of jazz.exe
It has been really a hassle to host or even play at other servers as there are programs that cause many players (as sometimes 10 at once) to join and leave not to mention they are spamming with one interval ms. Also I noticed that these programs are able to mess my server's settings by sending specific datas while those same ip addresses cannot do that from their jazz.exe (when connected that way). I really thought of deleting this game because of this issue. But I thought I might report this before new update release.
So my idea was to add an encryption algortihm into send packets that would prohibit them even getting into server from outside of jazz.exe in the first place. A simple data such as "apple" could be encrypted into "NNdnf43k" to simply send it. I hope those bots cannot get into the servers in the future as it makes this game unplayable. I was playing in aleyaz server when 10 players joined with weird names and all I saw was random bullets flying out of nowhere.