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Sep 26, 2015, 01:50 PM
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Obscure Jazz Jackrabbit fun facts

They don't have to be new, but not well known facts.

So anyway, SE was checking the state of trademarks on the Jazz Jackrabbit franchise. Apparently, Jazz Jackrabbit was planned to have a TV adaptation. JJ3D was also planned even before JJ2 was released.

Here's the source if you're interested. And the other source..
And the regular trademark.

Oh and TSF was made on a tight budget and deadline..not really obscure and showed many obvious signs, but sometimes I feel people don't really acknowledge that.

Alternatively, you can discuss what the TV adaption could've been like.

Official facts only please. In other words, no facts about fan-projects.

Jazz Jackrabbit group:

Last edited by Treylina; Oct 9, 2015 at 11:15 AM. Reason: wanted to clear something up