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JCF Éminence Grise

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Jul 8, 2006, 04:14 PM
Fawriel is offline
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...firstly, what n00b said. Secondly, I checked, and most of my levels are not rated above 8, but are somewhere around it ( if you disregard small crap I uploaded years ago.. in fact, most of that was uploaded years ago ). Here and here.

Thirdly, what the heck? Why has this turned into a discussion about my levelmaking skills anyway? I never meant to criticize Ryder, I never even played any of his levels. In fact, I never download anything anymore these days. What I did was a general attempt at answering his question, which might have been a LITTLE insensitively formulated, but seriously, if you are that offended by that, you must be pretty full of yourself.