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Mar 4, 2015, 03:21 AM
XxMoNsTeRXM is offline
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1. I think I do about 100 saves to finish all the JJ1 Episodes on Turbo (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, A, B, C, X)
2. I played with Jazz when I was younger and now I play as Spaz. I didn't realise that Jazz is not that good then, now I think Spaz is the best.
3. The second level of orbitus on JJ1 is extremely dangerously hard to pass!
4. I never bought JJ2
5. Do I play battle on JJ2? Well, um... yes but there are not so many players on the servers with battle. When I was like 5 or 6 I liked to play battle on the server named "The Server" , I was always losing...
6. My brother was always winning at Splitscreen Games, at all of them CTF, Battle, Race, Treasure Hunt (when I was like 3 or 4 years old)
7. When I was like I think 4 or 5 years old, I and my brother didn't know how to create levels, I mean he didn't knew how to animate tiles, and I remember I was always asking "Why do you need to know that?"
8. I think 2009 or 2010, JJ2+ didn't have that many features and I was always asking my brother "What does JJ2+ have?", his answer "I don't know." (I think he knew).
9. In 2012 I created some levels and I didn't use JJ2+, because I thought it doesn't contain anything good and when I came back in the September of 2013, and searched for JJ2+, I was amazed of its features and downloaded it.
10. I am waaaaiting for JJ2+ v5.0!
11. Why are you reading 11? There's nothing to hide.
12. Please stop, you don't have to read 11 and 12, really.