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JCF Éminence Grise

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Aug 2, 2007, 07:48 PM
Radium is offline
Originally Posted by White Rabbit View Post
I can't believe none of us thought this was significant. ><
Much funnier was when Shuri thought "if only I had some sort of prying device with which I could loosen it". Though personally, I'm surprised nobody tried feeding the DOS prompt "bolt /please".

Well, my task here was done. I shielded my eyes against the tempest and glanced around until I could make out the shaft of light. I ran there, looked for the cliff, and ran there, finally reaching the pipe that led into the cliff face. The trip was excessively painful but relatively uneventful. If anyone asked what took so long, I'd have to add a dragon or something in.

After a long, weaving path along the pipe, I reached the rest of the party. Fooruman was explaining something to Uberbob, Faw was seated on the ground in front of the heating vent, and Araches was tapping her foot, probably waiting for something interesting to happen. "What took so long?" she snapped as I entered. Ignoring her, walked directly to the heater, kicked Faw over, and flopped backwards onto the warm ground beside it.
"I had to fight a dragon. From space." The sorceress shot me a glare of disbelief, which I ignored as usual.
Fawriel cut in, standing up and brushing himself off. "So tell us what you found, Shur!"
"Living quarters. Bed, food, weapons, computer, and, best of all-" I reached into my pocket and pulled out the reddish metal bolt.
"An ITEM!" Uberbob exclaimed.
"Well, a bolt."
"So we can fix the valve?"
"Yeah. Well, I was going to go use the wheel from the trolley to do that. Now. Follow."

So, long story short, I fixed it.