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Jun 1, 2006, 07:10 PM
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Comprehensive open source application project?

I am not very active in the subsection of this community that still plays the game often. However, in observing j2o, the jcf, and lots of discussions and #jj2, I've noticed a couple of trends.

First of all, there are a lot of applications to help modify and convenience using jazz2. From chat loggers to anti-crashers, there are dozens of programs people have released. Most of these focus on a couple of aspects of jj2.

Secondly, because of the large number of programs, a lot of people feel the need to run several of them at once when they run jazz2, which is inconvenient.

There are, as well, some groups that have existed to promote changes in jazz2 by producing programs and in studying how the programs work. They have mapped out memory addresses and sprites and documented a lot of useful information.

Because our community seems to have a number of people interested in programming or studying jj2 with similar objectives, I wondered why there hasn't been a proposal for some new group. What I have in mind is an open source project with goals to make a comprehensive application or group of applications to fix bugs in jj2 and give people convenient access to new features. This would mean that several programs would not have to be run with jazz2 and that everyone in the community could work together towards something.

I don't -believe- something like this has been attempted before with jj2. There are or were several groups with these sort of ideals in mind, but I think an open project might help unify the community. As for logistics and who would do managing, I don't know. That's thinking far ahead. I just felt like sharing the idea, and hearing your thoughts.
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