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Darkhog is notorious for his worthless posts

Oct 27, 2016, 05:04 AM
Darkhog is offline
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Originally Posted by Treylina View Post
Same here. I have a crapload of unfinished projects.

Somehow I feel procastination is the norm, though. You'll hear so many people start projects or "new years resolutions", only to never continue on them. Take a drink on the level progress thread by how many levels/tilesets there are not released. Or people posting level project threads...which pretty much have all failed. Or the comic threads that consist of one page.

New years resolutions are dumb. Why wait??!
Originally Posted by Another Jazz 2 fan View Post
Why is New Years so special? If you want to accomplish something, might as well do it whenever.

Yep. I've got an original 3D puzzle-platformer game that I started with a friend for our senior project that we still want to finish and release as an Indie. I've got a novel that I wrote several chapters of that has been sitting mostly unwritten in my head for years. I've got a board game design, and even components, that needs to be fleshed out and playtested. I've got ambitions of learning Unity, Android programming, music composing. And beneath it all... the JJ2 levels I never finished, the episode I never completed, always sitting there... always waiting. It's so easy to start a new project, but why is it so difficult to commit to finishing something?
I feel like lots of "procrastination" comes from the lack of structure. What I mean, maybe you just need a "boss" (maybe not actual boss) who would consistently reminding you about the project and pestering you about it, essentially nagging you to work on it.

Yes, it hardly sounds like a fun, but maybe it's what you need to finish stuff up?

I sometimes, too, procrastinate, for similar reasons - but - I've found out that if you force yourself to work on something (again, not "fun", but working) soon minutes and then hours will start ticking by while you're on the job. Maybe that can work for you as well.

As the last effort, you can say you're doing it for the fans, not yourself (even if those fans are only in your head).

Hope I was helpful. Cheers.
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