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Oct 8, 2010, 03:29 PM
EvilMike is offline
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Another thing I'd like: Something I would describe as a custom "meta-tileset".

Basically, it would be a special window where you place tiles as you normally would in the level. However, nothing in this window is actually a part of the level. Instead, you copy and paste bits of it into the level itself, as you would from the tileset window. The window should probably have some sort of "lock" option on it, which if enabled, allows you to select tiles from it exactly as you would from the tileset window (no need to press B).

This would be especially useful for tilesets which are disorganized, or which have a lot of tiles you don't want to use, or lack a lot of empty tiles. Or if you want to set up certain patterns of tiles which you will use frequently, and aren't arranged nicely in the tileset itself. If you were particularly skilled, you could set up a "meta tileset" and build your level entirely from that, and hide the original tileset window. There wouldn't be any restriction on size (horizontal or vertical), you'd be free to have as much blank space as you want, and have lots of repetition. A feature like this would *greatly* increase the speed of making levels, if used properly. Oh yeah, and you'd be able to place animations in them too.

Basically, you'd be taking the tileset and rearranging it to your whims within JCS itself.

It should be possible to save what you make in this, so any other level with that tileset has the same meta-tileset(s) available. The filename would be something like [tileset filename].mj2t. If you have multiple different ones (useful for tilesets that are capable of a lot of different visual styles) then the filenames could be numbered. Particularly pro tileset makers could package their tilesets with these already made.

Finally, you should be able to import meta-tilesets which were designed for a different tileset. Under normal circumstances this would produce garbage (just like if you take a diamondus level and change it's tileset to tubelectric). But in specific cases this would be very useful (in particular, when a tileset has a lot of different versions, which is often the case).

Anyway, there is enormous potential in a tool like this. It sounds incredibly simple, but I estimate that it would speed up the process of level making by several hours, and remove a lot of the tedium. In fact, I already (clumsily) do something like this in JCS, by putting patterns of tiles I want in an empty part of the level (and deleting them when it's finished), or copying large portions from already finished parts of the level (almost all experienced level makers do some form of this, although we're usually good at hiding it). This method requires a lot of scrolling though, so it's not very efficient compared to what I'm suggesting.