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Feb 2, 2007, 11:12 AM
Ducky is offline
Part IV

Mmhmm. I like how even though I have the whole thing finished, I don't post it all at once.
Um, also, rereading, I apparently wrote the rest of this with no thought whatsoever except finishing it, so sorry for the trashy writing quality and content.

The Chief ended the hologram so hard he dented the control panel, but the image was trapped in his mind, burned into the back of his eyes. The thin, painful body, the mesmerising features, the clearly agonized, empty purple eyes of the lapine in the control chair beside MaTazz.
There was no doubt in his mind but he still closed his eyes and screamed a cutting monologue at Razz. He seized his chair and smashed it with one huge paw into the wall. Muscles rippling, he tore the room apart, his balled fists beating into the brushed steel walls.
Then he turned back to the communicator, and paged Captain Delphi verbally.
"This is Chief Rubicon. Deploy evac team to Medivan Temple, political code 117. Evacuation of last team member assigned to mission Reclaimation. Delphi, your boy made contact. He needs to be picked up now."
"MaTazz?" Delphi was clearly startled. "Affirmative, Chief. We'll send a bird in."
"And, Captain." the Chief's voice was hard. "You will need to allow space for any cargo he may be bringing with him."


The temple teleporter relocated Razz and Larh'ii to the outer, unwalled courtyard, which was miraculously devoid of life. Vistana and Harley had done their jobs better than he, Razz sighed to himself, and inwardly felt a small pang of relief that they had made it out okay. Outside the temple, Razz could see nothing through the rain, but he ran doggedly across the stones, the slight body draped on his shoulder weighing, he imagined, less than his rifle. The idea in his head was to commandeer a transport, any form he could, but every breath he took ripped through his lungs and pulsed through the wound and broken ribs on his chest, every step jarred the bones he knew had fractured in the explosion in the temple. He thought it was his own blood throbbing and pounding in his head, his ears, his whole body resounding with it, until the ferns sprouted up between the ruinous carved stones began to quiver and dance rhythmically as well, and he stopped running, looked up into the rain at the grey swirling sky.
The helicopter behind him reached him within a minute's time, hovering low, empty steel seats within, but it took all of Razz's strength to lift Larh'ii's small body in and climb up after her. The steel floor was cold, rainy, but Razz collapsed on it, feeling it warm with his own blood that was oozing freely after his exertions. Two soldiers lifted Larh'ii into the cabin but Razz's body surged with pain when they tried to help him up, and within moments everything was black.


Razz regained consciousness slowly, opened his eyes to see a painfully white wall and door in front of him, adorned with machines and artificially intelligent contraptions whizzing around shiny surgical steel accoutrements. A familiar voice was bellowing outside. "...All without any kind of heads up to me, and my own brother dying in the other room because of a crazy idea! ...Not informing me... can't imagine what you think I would have done if the mission was a failure...what the L'zrd will do now? We'll need military prep, we'll need undercover... never even mentioning the research put into this? I should have all of you euthanized....where is she?" the voice trailed off on the other side of the door and lowered a couple of decibels into a gruff growl. "Let me see him." A female voice Razz recognized as his cousin Eva. The door opened and Jazz entered -Jazz, always the casual one in the family, never awkward, never caught off guard, but now, the first time Razz had seen him in more than a year, he looked scared. Razz watched him appear over the side of the hospital bed and tried to croak out a hello, something to say to steady him, but his vocal cords seemed to have calcified.
"Jazz," he rasped, but Jazz stopped him.
"You're crazy. I don't believe this," Jazz said, but his eyes crinkled with relieved laughter. Razz observed over his shoulder the able figure of his cousin Eva, looking determined but emotional, and he reached a paw out to her. They were soon joined by the goofy smile of Jazz's young brother.
"Hey Razz," Spaz said, for the first time in Razz's memory looking almost serious. Though his vision was blurry, a small smile crept across his face as he looked up at Spaz, "Hey, little bro." As he swallowed his throat seemed to be becoming slightly less rigid and he struggled to sit up a little, wincing at the spot on his chest that was swathed in bandages.
"Guys, I don't.... I'm... I guess I'm sorry," he said, realizing he had no idea what would happen next. "Jazz...What have I done?"
The three regarded each other for a long minute.
Jazz spoke first. "I don't know what to say, Razz. I've never had anything hit me so fast or so hard. But I think the last thing you need to be is sorry. You found our sister."
"But the L'zrd. There will be war. The prophecy? And she's... she's not well."
"She's fine, thanks to you. She's been completely checked over and our doctors say that she has a very good chance of making a full recovery, with constant treatments. Her mental development was restricted by atmospheric deficiencies and instable climates, and of course the childhood trauma and L'zrd lifestyles are brutal on a lapine system. But she been eating and sleeping. Or, so I've been told."
Razz frowned at Jazz. "What do you mean?"
"I haven't seen her yet. None of us have. We just got here. I only found out...moments ago." Jazz frowned down at Razz, concerned, and Razz saw for what may have been the first time the age lining Jazz's face, life taking it's toll on him, and wondered how old he himself looked.
"I would like to see her, if I could," Razz said quietly.
remember? (: