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Apr 1, 2017, 12:52 PM
Blackraptor is offline
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Hey, you can have pretty much infinite text strings if you use Angelscript and modify your jj2 ini so that the Text event looks like this:

207=Text |+|Trigger|Text| |TextID:8|Vanish:1|AngelScript:1|Offset:8

So if you run out of available text strings in vanilla, make sure the Angelscript parameter of your text event is set to 1, give it a unique ID and place a void onFunction# (where # corresponds to the textstring ID). So for example if you place a text string with ID 17 and Angelscript:1, you would have a few lines in your .j2as that would look like:

void onFunction17(jjPLAYER@ player) {
	player.showText("Insert text here");
As far as your animation problem is concerned, it seems you cannot have more than 256 animations in a level or it will give you the same error you are getting now. Source: Got the same error on a WIP single player map when I tried to add more than 256 animations even with plenty of tile room.
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