Thread: Queen of Board
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Feb 12, 2014, 11:31 PM
Louis K is offline
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Unhappy Where should I go now?..

Now, I can open the door 1,2 on 'queen of board' without cheat.
so I go to the T'Zarin crystal cave...

I know that blue block is not T'Zarin crystal.
so I keep going..

Oh.. I found some useful hidden way. Good!..
(And his Headbanging also..)

Yay.. I found the crystyal room, but the only thing I can shoot/buttstomp there is the green half of the half green-half blue ball.
BUt!.. Jazz can only break green half one, and he can't break other blue half one..

so I use the cheat code : JJMORPH.

Yeah. Spaz can break that blue half one with his great kicking skill.


After break the crystal, I go out of the caves, but again there are a blue and a red block when I fall down the hallway, I shoot the wall again and it again teleports me to my death. NOOOO!
Is there anything else to destroy in the crystal room, and how do I go about that?

now what?..

you said just 'now what?'?

how do I know that?! I don't have any other answer to you! why are you question to me huh?

And several times later, I found someone's walkthrough.

Originally Posted by plunK View Post
Got to point 1 on the map and get some ice powerups (roughly 304, 241) {press f9 for coordinates}

Go to point 2 on the map (roughly 292, 251) and shoot the block(maybe TNT?) then freeze the spring to get by. If you waste your freezers more are avaiable at the very far right zagged silver wall of the main QoB area (roughly 451, 340)

well.. Ok..

I follow the plunK's walkthrough, but there is nothing on there I can activate or break somethings..
Is there any something I missed? I don't thing so..
there's nothing happend even I shoot/buttstomp all blocks in that area.

then.. where should I go now?
Please give me some information!
1.Please understand my 'Stupid' english. I always sorry about that..어쩌면 재즈 잭 래빗을 즐기는 유일한 한국인..?
2.Well.. it just my opinion.

Or if you won't, then I'll kill you with this COOL weapon.