1. Making the countdown customizable is in the same "shit compromise" tier as /maxspecresolution or whatever was suggested before 4.2 came out with free mouse spectating. JJ2+ has enough shit compromises as it stands.
2. The few above posters don't even care for customizability as they care for the time to equal 3. In which case, it is a pointless request since nobody would ever set it to 1 or 15 or something, if it were customizable.
3. Then you may ask, why not just set it to 3, period? SE (currently the main coder) has a good reason:
People who want 3 seconds do so because they want to be able to dedicate themselves to another task more quickly. Which is bullshit. There's no task that you can wait 3 seconds for (+ time it takes to type the command) but can't wait 5 seconds. If you encounter a real emergency during a ladder match, as long as you're not an addict, you won't even type a command.
Last edited by cooba; Mar 8, 2014 at 07:27 AM.
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