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Mar 28, 2001, 07:20 PM
Kaz is offline
"EEP!" Kazooie "eeped". The face was hideous, with the lightning, it looked as though Jason was after them.

"Time for a plan!" Kovu yelled.

"I say we drunk them!" Ducky commented

"And lose our beer carrot supply?!" Bluez asked.

"SAM! Initiate plan 683 on new war tavern!" Kazooie yelled out with a plot hole. Steel boards flew up in front of doors and windows and walls as a protection.

"Since when did you install these?!" Admeal furiously asked.

"Ahem!" Coppertop yelled when the steel was denting.

"I estimate it'll hold out for at least an hour," calculated Kaz.

"You forgot to factor in some stuff..." Bluez trailed off and pointed up at the giant new hole formed in the roof from bad carpenting.



"iCeD causes lag when he's offline!" -Kaz

"I believe in karma what you give is what you get returned,

I believe you can't appreciate real love until you get burned,

I believe the grass is no more greener on the other side," -Savage Garden