Thread: OpenJazz
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Dec 27, 2005, 10:16 AM
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Originally Posted by Uniacke1
1. If we can do a JJ1 engine, theoretically, it should be possible to mod slightly and add some functionaliy to make a JJ3D... But I'm getting ahead of myself.
That would be much, much more than a slight mod, unless you want JJ3D to consist entirely of JJ1 3D bonus levels. Which would suck.

Originally Posted by Uniacke1
2. Have you thought about using the Jazz1 Raw level extractor to analyse level format? I read somewhere that events are specific to the level, and so are the anims...There are some useful tools in with J1CS.. this is from the help file... maybe it'll help to get the enemies working...
It's quite easy to modify OpenJazz to output raw level data, and I used that and a hex editor to analyse the level format. Recently, Feline kindly donated a bunch of J1CS research. Yes, events and anims are specific to the level. You wouldn't be able to see them in OpenJazz if I didn't know that

Originally Posted by Uniacke1
D'oh! I just realized, you were part of the J1CS team.. Silly me...
I made GetAnims.exe. I realised while I was making OpenJazz that GetAnims.exe is in fact wrong quite a lot of the time. With the latest release of J1CS, that doesn't matter anymore.

Originally Posted by Feline
Well... I'm sort of fudging it a bit. For the animations which are clearly level specific, those anims are in fact level specific. But the other anims, such as jazz running and the birdbox, are referenced into one specific file.
ALL animations are level-specific, but some of them just happen to be the same for every level. Some of the sprites that the animations use aren't level specific. For all intents and purposes, these should be considered to be level-specific, as their sprite indices could potentially vary from level to level. In fact, HH95 does not use most of the common sprites at all - instead, they are stored in the level-specific sprite files, which is a massive waste of space. HH95 is insane.

Originally Posted by TaZaR
Could it be possible, to make OpenJazz with stored event colors not in the tileset's palette? That should be open new ways... But I'm sure it's not the most important thing about OpenJazz right now.
As Ice M A N says, there are only 256 colours. Of course, computers are fast enough nowadays to handle a system in which dynamic palettes and 24-bit colour can coexist. If I do implement it, however, it probably won't be before all the original features are implemented.

Originally Posted by Ice M A N
the main tileset usually has a lot of "empty" palette entries which are dynamically filled with the colours for the background.. or at least I think that's what it does.
That's exactly what it does. That's why the background in OpenJazz gets bigger when you resize the window, so that a maximum of 100 background colours are visible.

Originally Posted by Ice M A N
Time to see about getting OpenJazz to work on OSX (just looks like one small change in the way the filepath is discovered)..
OS-specific code is all in main.c, lines 706 - 731 and 749 - 753. You know, the ones you've already found

Originally Posted by jmetal88
Oh, one thing that could help me out is if you could tell me where the video mode is first set. I'll need to set it to 320 by 240 at fullscreen (or at least, non-windowed).
In main.c:

To change the initial vertical resolution,
line 762: Change 200 to 240
line 764: Change 2 to 3
This may not be necessary. SDL should automatically fit the 320x200 into your 320x240 screen, in "letterbox" format.

To start in fullscreen,
line 763: Change 0 to 1
Alternatively, have you tried alt+enter? That switches to fullscreen once the game is running.

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